A New Way to Engage on Travelocity
Travelocity’s Ask & Answer is a Question and Answer function that allows customers to ask questions about a hotel during the booking process, thereby providing an opportunity for hoteliers to engage with a potential customer. Hotels have a unique opportunity to differentiate themselves by participating in this social community which will drive future bookings.
Hoteliers can sign up to receive email notifications whenever a question is posted.
1. Go to Travelocity.com and search for your hotel
2. Select the “Questions” tab
3. Select the “Keep me updated” link to enroll in automatic notification of questions posted.
Hoteliers can then respond to questions that are generated on Travelocity’s website.
1. Select the Questions tab and select the question you wish to respond to
2. Select Answer this Question
- Travelocity login required (email address, password, country, and zip needed)
- Answer the question (try to include the hotel name in the answer)
- Please do not include personal names, phone numbers, or hyperlinks (spam control)
- Maximum 350 characters.
3. Complete your information
- Pick a social nickname for use on the community
- Send social nickname to joshua.bright@travelocity.com to get a hotel badge
Hoteliers can also post a Frequently Asked Question(s) and include photos and video to enhance the answer.
1. Select the Questions tab, then select “Ask a New Question”
2. Create a question (if none exist)
- Popular topics include room differences, pets, shuttle, and parking availability.
- Maximum 150 characters in the initial question box and 350 in the More Details area.
- Content modification takes up to 24hrs before showing up on the site.
3. Add a Tag to your question, this tags the question for customers so they can quickly understand what the question is about.
4. Add photos and/or a video.
5. Complete your information.
6. If selected, you will receive notification when your question has been posted.
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