Customer stories

Village Realty: More Bookings with Better Marketing

HOTEL TYPE: Independent

SOLUTIONS USED: Revinate Marketing

REGION: North America


Personalize marketing content to better understand ROI attribution


Gain deeper guest insights through comprehensive marketing reporting


+30% YoY CRM database growth, $9.9M in revenue attributed to lifecycle emails

The brand

Village Realty is a full-service 640-unit Vacation Rental Management Company that offers incredible vacations on the outer banks of North Carolina. They strive to provide uncompromising service, quality accommodations, and an outstanding experience to their guests.

The challenge

The Outer Banks of North Carolina is a very competitive market. Village Realty wanted to remain the leading Vacation Rental Management Company but they struggling to convert their email marketing efforts to bookings. Their team knew that better marketing tools would lead to a better guest experience, more personalized guest content, and a better understanding of where they are getting ROI.

In addition, Village Realty wanted a way to capture email addresses for everyone who called to inquire about booking and not market to their existing guests.

The solution

Village Realty sought a marketing solution designed to provide useful data and analysis that could measure online success and offline impact (how their marketing campaigns impacted call center reservations). They turned to Revinate to help pave the path for them to remain market leaders. With Revinate, Village Realty was able to conduct a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of their marketing campaigns to fully understand their results from every angle. The reports they got from the Revinate platform informed them on what marketing efforts were producing the highest ROI and they used that information to allocate their marketing dollars accordingly. In addition, Village Realty opted to utilize LIfeCycle marketing which automatically generates and sends personalized emails to booked and/or non booked guests based on key dates in their booking journey.

Because Village Realty were now taking advantage of the complete Revinate CRM they were able to create a sales and service culture within their reservations office. Agents were collecting email addresses of guests inquiring about stays so the marketing team could re-target them. In addition, the reservations staff could now immediately see the exact marketing campaign information that the guest was calling about which alleviated awkward conversations asking the guest to explain what the details were of the campaign they saw.

The results

By utilizing the Revinate Marketing Suite, Village Realty obtained a full view of their marketing performance and leverage automated LifeCycle emails to drive more bookings.

Village realty has attributed over $40 million in revenue to the Revinate Marketing Suite in the last 3 years. This is revenue that they would have missed if they had stayed with the status quo and not enhancing their marketing platform.

One of their strategies using LifeCycle was retargeting guests that didn’t book because of rate resistance in the shoulder season. By targeting these guests in a lower demand time, they were able to book over $76,000 in additional direct booking revenue. With the Revinate Marketing suite, Village Realty has been able to make smart and efficient decisions that have led to more direct bookings and more revenue.

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