Benchmark data: LATAM reputation management overview

Revinate benchmark 2023 LATAM average number of reviews per month

17.5% increase in monthly reviews per hotel in 2022

As with most areas, the average number of reviews per month in LATAM increased over the last year. This region went from an average of 61 reviews per hotel per month to 72 reviews per hotel per month, an increase of 17.5%.

Revinate benchmark 2023 Global, NAM, and LATAM average hotel ratings

When it came to hotel ratings, LATAM retained an average rating of 4.3. Technically, there was a 0.4% decrease, but that’s hardly a notable decline. LATAM has actually held steady with a 4.3 average rating for 4 years in a row.

Revinate benchmark 2023 LATAM average hotel rating by class

LATAM’s overall average hotel rating is one of the strongest of any region or micro-region in this year’s report, but there are some real stand-outs when you consider differences by hotel class. Luxury hotels, for example, achieved an average hotel rating of nearly 4.5 in 2022. Even economy and budget properties had relatively impressive ratings, both above 4.1.

Given that both reviews and ratings have remained relatively steady, it seems that LATAM hotels have largely stayed aligned with guest expectations. If you’re falling short of this regional benchmark, remember that reviews are filled with information about everything from issues guests had to the special touches your staff added that improved the guest experience.

Related links

Respond to negative reviews


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Global reputation management overview


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NAM reputation management overview


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