Benchmark data: NAM email marketing overview

7.2% average click-through rate for emails sent to fewer than 5k

Out of all segment sizes, the category with 5,000 guests or fewer was the top performer in NAM for 2022, with an average open rate of 52%, an average click-through rate of 7.2%, and an average conversion rate of 0.5%. Those rates fall to 32%, 1.3%, and less than 0.1%, respectively, for emails sent to a segment with 50,000 guests or more.

The takeaway is clear — you’re likely to see better results with campaigns that are tailored to smaller audience groups. So, consider creating multiple campaigns that focus on different interests — restaurants and dining, spa treatments, outdoor activities, etc. — rather than trying to appeal to everyone with a single campaign.

Revinate benchmark 2023 NAM average conversion rate

It’s also worth noting that NAM saw better email performance overall in 2022 compared to 2021. This is true for most segment sizes, but there were a few exceptions. For example, the average conversion rate for emails sent to 5,000 guests or fewer dipped just slightly from 0.6% to 0.5%.

Revinate benchmark 2023 NAM average click-through rate

The overall click-through rate decreased just slightly — from 3.3% to 3.2%.

Revinate benchmark 2023 NAM total number of emails

Such positive results just go to show that email marketing remains an effective way to reach and engage with guests at every stage of their journeys. And it’s certainly no secret among hoteliers, who are increasingly relying on this channel. The total number of emails sent from hotels in NAM grew from 286,175,047 in 2021 to 444,461,357 in 2022 — an increase of 55.3%.

Related links

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Global email marketing overview


Revinate Marketing thumbnail for 2023 benchmark report

NAM A/B test and drip performance


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