What Working from Home Taught Revinate Employees About our Team and our Culture
What Working from Home Taught Revinate Employees About our Team and our Culture
Unlike many of our Silicon Valley neighbors, Revinate always had a strong office culture. In many ways, we took a cue from our customers, hoteliers who got dressed every day and went to work side by side with their colleagues to support their guests. So when shelter in place regulations went into effect, we closed our offices around the world and, like you, were forced to adapt to a new way of working, that is working from home.
All employees reacted differently to the switch. Obviously, many employees come from hospitality and got into the industry because they are social, gregarious people. These folks needed to find ways to connect and maintain connections. Others relished the opportunity to avoid a commute and focus on passion projects. Here’s what we learned about our team as a result of Covid-19.
Like our customers, we can adapt
I am proud to be part of the Revinate team, which has shifted and adapted so easily and quickly in these challenging times. Despite the pandemic, we have not only stayed connected, but found new ways to operate as one team, despite not physically being together. New initiatives like virtual lunch sessions, daily stand-ups, increased All Hands calls, TGIF Friday drinks and digital birthday cards keep us connected. Of course, we all hope we can be together again soon once a cure for this awful virus has been found, but I am sure Revinators will continue to be a strong, connected team that will always go the extra mile to help a colleague or customer whenever possible, no matter where they are. That is something we should all be proud of. – Henk
We crave connection
Working from home has made me realize how much we take being connected for granted. I realized how much I missed hanging out with my colleagues. As a result, I sought human connection and found myself reaching out to teammates from all over the world. It helped me learn so many new things about my global colleagues. I feel closer to more of my colleagues now than ever before. – Suneet
Our creativity was ignited
My favourite thing about working from home is the fabulous increase in virtual collaboration. Not just in frequency, but also in the depth of what we discuss, since we’re all in our personal, safe spaces. Blurring the illusion of a physical office separating our teams, I feel like I have become closer with Revinators in our common “virtual office space”. I feel appreciated, creative and inspired to take risks and experiment with new approaches. Revinate has been fighting through this pandemic by re-creating new experiences within the workplace, and I’m proud to be here to witness it unfold! – Edna
We continue to live our values
Working from home for so many months is really mind-blowing! I really understood that a successful company is not made of a great office or a working space, but it’s made of great people and great values. And, I can tell you that we are nailing it at Revinate! During these months we have been “One-Tribe,” even though we were asked to be apart and continued to live our values.
We “Made it Simpler” as we put health and productivity before all the rest.
We “Speak the Truth” as we are constantly brainstorming and giving each other, and our management, constructive feedback.
We “Love our Customers” as we have been working hard and at all possible hours to ensure them the best possible service and assistance during the crisis.
We all have this “Hungerness” feeling of getting back to normal and helping our customers do it as well.
Plus, on a personal level, surfing almost daily before and after work makes me feel like I’m living my dream life. I love Revinate for giving me this opportunity! Every crisis provides opportunities and it seems we are taking them! – Daniel
We take on more roles
For me, working from home has led to a more fluid work day. I have no commute, fewer distractions and fewer interruptions. I’m able to focus continuously on whatever problem is at hand. I spend little or no time tracking people down, since everyone is instantaneously available via slack or zoom. Ironically, now that I have no idea where anyone is, it’s easier to communicate with them.
More personally, working from home alongside my wife, who is president of a commercial real estate company, and my kids, who are in high and middle school, has been eye-opening. We’re all more keenly aware of each other’s daily schedules. We even do family standups in the morning to keep everyone on track. I work at a software company and a real estate company, while attending 6th and 9th grades all at once. That’s living the dream, no? – Dean
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